And He said, “How shall we picture the kingdom of God, or by what parable shall we present it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the soil, though it is smaller than all the seeds that are upon the soil, yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and forms large branches; so that the birds of the air can nest under its shade.”
Mark 4:30-32

Who we are
We are planting seeds today for a great impact tomorrow.
Finding the right work-life balance in today’s fast-paced and challenging world can be quite a struggle. Everyone and everything around us seems to suggest to us ways of living that are far removed from God’s principles and standards for Christian living.
At Nurses of Faith, we help each other find that balance. Sharing time in fellowship with each other and constantly reminding ourselves of God’s principles for right living. Through our devotionals, speaking events, conferences, online bible studies, membership and many other beneficial resources, we fulfil our call to love, nurture and lead Nurses into a deeper walk with Jesus Christ in order to experience his perfect peace and to bear witness to his love and righteousness.
Our Vision
We have a vision to build a tribe of kingdom minded Nurses who are committed to living a life of excellence.

Our Mission
Our mission is to empower Nurses to thrive in all aspects of their lives using faith based principles.
1.Christ-centric living,
At Nurses of Faith, Jesus is our source, our anchor, our compass, and our strength. We believe that truly, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13)
“Two are always better than one, woe to him that has not another to help him when he falls” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. At Nurses of faith, this is what we strive to achieve; bringing together a people with shared values and experiences to create a culture of compassion and mutual support around each other.
We look to God’s word, God’s ways and God’s commands on how we ought to live our lives. We do not let culture influence us rather we seek to influence culture. At Nurses of Faith, our devotion to God is absolute
Our goal is to help Nurses thrive in every area of their lives. Spiritually, professionally and in their personal lives too. It doesn’t matter what point you are in your career, you’ll find the help and guidance you need through the difficulties and challenges of work and life.

Our Founder
Nurses of Faith is a non-denominational Christian community founded by Tola Olabiyi. Tola is a wife, a mother of two and a nurse with over 13 years work experience in the field of Nursing.She serves in the Sunday school department and prayer band ministry. Tola received discipleship training and graduated from RCCGNA School of Disciples in 2019.
A few words from Tola,
Straight out of Nursing School, I was excited and couldn’t wait to start impacting lives with my work. It didn’t take long for me to realize the demanding nature of the Nursing profession. Right in front of me, I could see so many of my colleagues burnt out quickly and this was due to the stressful nature of our kind of work. I too felt the brunt of it and at some point I didn’t think I was going to make it. But then I found help; help in God’s word, and in my faith in Jesus.
As time went on, I discovered that as I became more intentional with my faith, desiring to have a more intimate relationship with Jesus, I was better equipped to deal with the pressures that came with work and life generally. Not that these problems disappeared but somehow they became less and less palpable, and I could feel the weights lifted off my shoulders, enabling me to work with graceful ease and a sense of peace at my place of work and in my life generally.
At Nurses of faith, we long to share this experience with Nurses all over the world, connecting and sharing our fellowship in faith while also guiding each other into an experience of intimacy and friendship with Jesus.
Beyond our spirituality, we also help one another attain excellence in our profession as Nurses.Since 2017, we’ve been growing via social media and we recently launched our private membership community in 2021 in order to foster intimate conversations and growth amongst ourselves.
Looking forward to you joining our community and wishing you more grace, peace and ease in every area of your life.
Yours Sincerely
Tola Olabiyi